Saturday, December 8, 2007

Futurama's Big Score!

I've been meaning to write about the return of Futurama. The first of four DVD only films was released less than two weeks ago, and, my my, was it fantastic! It was witty, clever, and crammed full of things for die hard fans. The only complaint I can possibly think of is that Leela was a little under utilized, but that may be made up for in the following volumes. From what was presented in this disc, it seems that this is Volume One of a four volume story. However, as usual with Futurama, it's the little details that make it shine, such as Nibbler's lament that the "Kitten Class" fighters weren't successful, or spotting the seven leaf clover that Fry is wearing in the past. This was outstanding, and I hope the next volumes are just as good!

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